Hi there , I'm
Jennie casselman


Chef, Author, Certified Nutrition Health Coach & twin mom

Healthy can be delicious

Jennie Casselman is a trained chef and certified nutrition health coach with over a decade of experience. She specializes in women’s health, allergy friendly recipes and childhood nutrition. My hearts desire is to teach and encourage women of all ages and background that their health and overall wellness is a priority! Teaching our next generation the importance of nutrition and how to care for our bodies is something I value and want to pass down to my children and others.

Growing up in a small southern town with a large family, Jennie always enjoyed being in the kitchen with her mom. “It was just what we did every night. I was raised in a family who honored dinner time. My mom would cook dinner from scratch every night, and then we would all sit around the dinner table and talk about our day. My grandparents had gardens and we would help with harvesting so I had a good understanding of where our food came from and the work it took to grow. “ Jennie appreciated all the hard work it took from her parents to be able to maintain this special tradition for their family and continues to do so now with her children.


media mentions

Next Level Chef Season 3

“It was a very scary time in my life, but I knew that I could make better decisions for my overall health.” 

Her passion for nutrition and food didn’t become clear until after college in her late twenties when she was surprisingly diagnosed with melanoma

She started learning about nutrition and holistic health on her own. “I dove head first into investigated what decisions I was making that were negatively effecting my health. I changed everything from the food I ate, the water I drank, the makeup and beauty products I used, a total overhaul. After making some major changes to her lifestyle she learned how much food and nutrition play in our overall wellness. This is what led her to culinary school.

After years of working in restaurants front of the house, Jennie moved on to start her career in nutrition and corporate foodservice industry. After graduating from Johnson & Wales University in Charlotte, North Carolina. She spent over ten years working in the corporate food service management industry. She specialized in childhood nutrition and corporate menu development.

After infertility issues and a high risk pregnancy, Jennie finally had her miracle twins in 2017. “Months after months of staying in the NICU and going from one specialist appointment to another along with postpartum depression really took a toll on me. One day my husband and mom came into my bedroom which had turned into NICU Part 2, where I was pumping and feeding my daughter through her feeding tube when I finally broke. I had been so strong, detail oriented, making the phone calls and appointments and doing all the things I never knew would be required of a new mom….. until I couldn’t do one more thing. I couldn’t stop crying. I was physically, mentally and emotionally spent. My family knew I needed help, an outlet, a olive branch to some kind of normalcy.

I started small by just forcing myself to pack up the twins to go for a walk everyday. I built back up my strength until I was able to start a workout program. Fitness and sports have always been a huge part of my life. I didn’t want to stay where I was. I didn’t recognize that shadow of a woman. I wanted more for myself and my tiny souls I was responsible for now.

I found E2M Fitness through a college friend and started scared but immediately fell in love with the holistic approach to the program. Exercise was vital for stress relief but also paired with my nutrition background, it really helped Jennie get back to pre-momma shape! She later joined E2M Fitness as their team chef in November 2020 to teach online cooking classes for their members and have since published three Best Selling Cookbooks titled Eager 2 Cook Cookbook Series.

My heart’s desire is to continue to educate and inspire others to prepare foods to fuel their bodies that are nutritious and delicious but most importantly, that anyone can 
